Monday, September 27, 2004

The Good Life

How does one live the Good life? This is, and will be, my primer question for this coming year. Too long have I lived a life to get by, a life that makes things easy, a life that is based off of pragmatism rather than good and best. With the Knights help, and the help of my friends, this will change. I believe that it starts with discipline. Any man that one reads or hears about that has made anything of himself is a disciplined man. Discipline helps man accomplish what he truly wants to accomplish. I have a vague idea of where I would like my life to go, but at this point in time, I have not the ability to transverse the distance to that point. Discipline is the road I must travel. Therefore, I will now start on the mighty challenge of living a disciplined life. I have never failed so often in something in my life, and now or never is the time that that must change. Please pray for me if you think of it. I relish challenges, and this is certainly a struggle, but I fear failure. With my house's help, with God's help, and with prayer I believe I shall accomplish it. We serve an amazing God. It really is true.

Go in peace, my friend.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Off we go

I'm off to go camping. I love the mountains. I miss being in nature and experiencing God's creation in it's natural state. It should be a wonderful time of communing with annoying roommates and coming closer to God. It will be fun! :-) Look for more posting excitement in a couple of days!

Go under the Mercy

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Some people think that my friends are stoopid. However, I believe, that anyone who spends a miniscule amount of thought on the style and content of these two blogs could discover the truth. I will give a prize to anyone who can correctly name the true authors of the different posts in my fan site: . And none of the holders of the password can answer. >-) Pay a little attention to the blogs that I have linked to and see if you can find similar styles. It's a fun little game!

Your Servant in Christ


What is it I live for? I shall probably post thoughts and comments on those things that I view as most important. Here is a list of them:

To Glorify God and enjoy Him. This is what life is truly about. Am I doing this? Not as much as I would like. Will I continue to pursue this? With all of my being. I am at the stage of desiring to desire to love God. I do not have the huberis to presume that I truly love Him. I barely understand what that means. But, through good leadership, friends, community, and classes, I am coming to have a fuller understand and appreciation for what life is Truly about.

The ode to Katie on the other blog lacks something...oh yeah, that's it, authenticity and Truth...Well, I can hardly attempt a proper proclimation of her virtues at this time, but I will say the following. As little as I understand love, I will say, wholeheartedly, that I love Katie. Her beauty, goodness, and virtue is great and wonderful. I am blessed to even know her, and to be able to call her friend is an exceedingly great joy. Yet, she even deems to allow me a higher place than meer friend. She has granted me the greatest gift possible by women, by allowing me to love and pursue her and loving me back. I eagerly look forwards to being granted the opportunity to know her better and to pursue God alongside her.

Community is amazingly important and pursuing it during college has been one of the best choices I could have made. I will definitely say more of this in the future.

Our world is in turmoil, and this is one of the hotspots. We should all be aware and active in what is going on in the world today. What we do Does make a difference. Let us not take our many political blessings and freedoms for granted!

Topics of interest:
School is what consumes much of my time. I have a great vested interest in the topics I study. So look in the future for valuable, and fascinating discussions on physics, computer science, philosophy, music and other assorted subjects that I am currently spending time studying.

Life lessons:
Man experiences this funny thing called life very differently from even his neighbor. If we can help each other see it as we see it, this will benefit our community significantly. Plus, sometimes, funny things just happen.

This is in general what I will spend my time on this blog talking least, that is the idea. We will see what actually unfolds. I have actually been meaning to attempt this for quite sometime, but I have been waiting to actually write my own script for a blog. I guess this will suffice until that time. Stop by often my friends. I don't promise much, but perhaps it will be of enough interest to keep you coming back!

Go under the mercy

On Blogs

The blog. What is it? The blog seems to have become a ubiquitious part of our modern society. It is a place where people write endlessly about their skewed, miniscule view the world in angst ridden tomes. They can be a powerful tool of societal conversation, but they are often abused and misused. This is one reason I have refrained from creating a blog until now. However, there are times when peer pressure can force your hand, and my friends can be quite good at aforementioned situations. So, I have created the true blog of Dustin Scott Guenther, originally from Fresno, California, currently a resident of La Mirada, California. here is the pathetic attempt of my copatriates to copy my style and post my life. If you know me even a little, I shall leave it up to you to discover the real blog of this person who answers to the monicker of Dustin Guenther.

This blog will contain thoughts that I have of the world. I do not claim to have anything to add to the true discussion, but perhaps if I join it, I shall learn through experience what is truly worth saying. It is a project worth attempting. Therefore, journey on my friends. Let us get swept up in the information age and continue to spew words into the ever present, bottomless well of verbiage known in the common vernacular as the web. Perhaps we can yet be a light in this dark world. I am finally willing to attempt it. "Once more into the breach..."

Your Servant in Christ,
Dustin Guenther