Monday, September 27, 2004

The Good Life

How does one live the Good life? This is, and will be, my primer question for this coming year. Too long have I lived a life to get by, a life that makes things easy, a life that is based off of pragmatism rather than good and best. With the Knights help, and the help of my friends, this will change. I believe that it starts with discipline. Any man that one reads or hears about that has made anything of himself is a disciplined man. Discipline helps man accomplish what he truly wants to accomplish. I have a vague idea of where I would like my life to go, but at this point in time, I have not the ability to transverse the distance to that point. Discipline is the road I must travel. Therefore, I will now start on the mighty challenge of living a disciplined life. I have never failed so often in something in my life, and now or never is the time that that must change. Please pray for me if you think of it. I relish challenges, and this is certainly a struggle, but I fear failure. With my house's help, with God's help, and with prayer I believe I shall accomplish it. We serve an amazing God. It really is true.

Go in peace, my friend.